

Akyn AG

Joachim-Hefti-Weg 5

8002 Zürich


Telefon: +41797947747


Geschäftsleitung: Alexander Thomas Kuehne, Alexandra Joyce Nomikos

Handelsregister: Kanton Zürich, HRB CHE-269.431.262

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE326 119 186 


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Impressum [] erstellt mit dem 

Trusted Shops [] Rechtstexter in Kooperation

mit FÖHLISCH Rechtsanwälte [].

Authors: Images by Wayhome Studio. Obtained from [ contributor/205409163/wayhome-studio]( contributor/205409163/wayhome-studio)

eat by Xinh Studio from the Noun Project

lunch box by hans draiman from the Noun Project

Omega 3 by ProSymbols from the Noun Project

cacao by Llisole from the Noun Project

oil bottle by from the Noun Project

Sauce by Fahmi Ramdani from the Noun Project

Coffee by Made from the Noun Project

Muesli by Marina Rico from the Noun Project

Cereal by Denis Shumaylov from the Noun Project
cookie by P Thanga Vignesh from the Noun Project

Dessert by Ben Davis from the Noun Project

Pie by Sumana Chamrunworakiat from the Noun Project

Smile by Barracuda from the Noun Project

leaf by Saeful Muslim from the Noun Project

healthy by Mask Icon from the Noun Project

Idea by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

Sustainability by Daniel Falk from the Noun Project

do not disturb by Angger Bayu Pangestu from the Noun Project

Icons made by Those Icons from

Icons made by Freepik from

Icons made by Eucalyp from